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South Jersey Cheerleading:
Comets Were the Stars at American Cheer Invitational

Sunday, February 28, 1999

By Joanne Costantino
SJSports Staff Writer

Tight fists and stiff wrists, with synchronized stunts, jumps and dance routines were the presentations of the day, as cheerleaders from the tri-state area came together at Rutgers University in Camden on Sunday. The American Cheer Invitational, which was sponsored by Shop Rite and American Cheer Express (ACE), featured cheerleaders from the grade school, middle school, junior varsity, and varsity levels.


The morning competition was dominated by the Keystone Comets who took winning slots in three of the five divisions and second place in the Senior All-Stars spot. Contrasting the large Keystone organization was the Junior High/Recreation winners, the Williamstown Warriors, small in number, but big in presentation, enthusiasm and energy, with a near perfect routine.

The second half of the competition saw Burlington Township High School take four winning trophies for Junior and Co-Ed Varsity, Varsity Stunt and special recognition for Dance Performance. Their routines consistently held up to their reputation for showmanship and athleticism. Audubon placed third in the Varsity High School, but were the most improved overall with a great dance routine that had the crowd on their feet.

Injuries and illnesses caused a few teams to drop out at the last moment and competition director Linda Chapman had to double as emcee, but the day was full with energy and enthusiasm for all.

American Cheer Express' sponsorship is televising this competition on local Cable to help develop awareness and appreciation for the work that goes into this sport by the athletes and their coaches. In New Jersey the broadcast will be April 5, 7, and 10; in Pennsylvania, on April 17 and 18; and in Virginia, April 7. Check your local listings on those dates to see if you local Cable carrier is broadcasting this event.

Winners Sr. All-Stars
1st Place Rock-Its, Sewell, NJ
2nd Place Keystone Comets, Clifton Heights, PA
3rd Place Jersey Elite, Manasquan, NJ


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Keystone Comets

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Jersey Elite


Winners Youth All-Stars
1st Place Keystone Comets, Clifton Heights, PA
2nd Place B-52's, Sewell, NJ
3rd Place Tornado Twisters, Clifton Heights, PA

Keystone Comets

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Tornado Twisters

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Winners Jr. Prep
1st Place Keystone Comets, Clifton Heights, PA
2nd Place Washington Township Nitros, Sewell, NJ
3rd Place St. Matthew's, Philadelphia, PA

Keystone Comets

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Washington Township Nitros

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St. Matthew's

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Winners Jr. All-Stars
1st Place Keystone Comets, Clifton Heights, PA
2nd Place Jr. Rockets, Sewell, NJ
3rd Place Washington Township Sparks, Sewell, NJ

Jr. Rockets

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Washington Township Sparks

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Winners Jr. High/Recreation
1st Place Williamstown Warriors, Williamstown, NJ
2nd Place Christ the King, Manville, NJ
3rd Place St. Matthew's, Philadelphia, PA

Williamstown Warriors

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St. Matthew's

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Winners Co-ed All-Stars
1st Place Carteret, Carteret, NJ
2nd Place Rain Bo, Sewell, NJ
3rd Place The Sharks, Berlin, NJ


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Rain Bo

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The Sharks

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Winners Jr. Varsity
1st Place Burlington Township High School, Burlington, NJ
2nd Place West Deptford High School, Westville, NJ
3rd Place Sterling High School, Somerdale, NJ

Burlington Township High School

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Sterling High School

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Winners Co-ed Varsity
1st Place Burlington Township High School, Burlington, NJ
2nd Place West Deptford High School, Westville, NJ

Burlington Township High School

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West Deptford High School

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Winners Varsity
1st Place Sterling High School, Somerdale, NJ
2nd Place Caesar Rodney High School, Camden, DE
3rd Place Audubon High School, Audubon, NJ

Sterling High School

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Caesar Rodney High School

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Audubon High School

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Sacred Heart High School

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Winners Large Varsity
1st Place Father Judge, Philadelphia, PA

Father Judge

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Winners Individuals
1st Place Stacey McCleery, Sterling High School
2nd Place Kristen Miller, Sterling High School
3rd Place Krissy Armano, Sterling High School

Winners Varsity Stunt
1st Place Burlington Township High School, Burlington, NJ
2nd Place Father Judge #1, Philadelphia, PA
3rd Place Father Judge #2, Philadelphia, PA

Burlington Township High School

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Father Judge #1

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Father Judge #2

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Winners Special
Stunts Pyramids, Carteret, NJ
Dance Burlington Township High School JV, Burlington, NJ
Spirit Caesar Rodney High School, Camden, DE

Special Appearance
by the
Camden-Rutgers Cheerleaders

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