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High School Focus

Sport Focus

Physical Fitness Tip of the Week:
Softball In-Season Training Protocol

Wednesday, July 1, 1998

By Gregory "Graig" White
SJSports Physical Fitness Advisor

With more and more people playing softball, the intensity and competitive level has increased. As a conditioning coach, I recognize that in order to compete, athletes will have to be faster, stronger and more powerful than before. For this to happen, an effective and efficient training program must be created.

When working with softball athletes, it's important to remember that the game is made up of a series of explosive movements and being able to move in all directions is a skill great players spend a lot of time working on. The goals of our conditioning program are to reduce the risk of injury, produce athletes who are faster and more powerful, and to enhance their physical and mental strength.
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High School Softball:
Edgewood Struggles in '98 But Shows Potential For Next Season

Tuesday, June 16, 1998

By Pam Gargano
SJSports Student Correspondent

This year, the Edgewood softball team has improved tremendously from last season.

Led by captains Megan Henhaffer, Mandie Walker, and Michael-Lin Tronco, the girls were a lot more competitive. Winning only one game last year, they managed to turn around and win 4 this year with a very young team.
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South Jersey Modified League:
Keeping the Game Alive

Friday, June 11, 1998

By Nick Straguzzi
SJSports SJML Correspondent

What pops into your head when someone mentions "men's softball"? Huge guys taking massive swings at lob balls? Final scores that resemble football games? A keg of beer on each bench? And if that someone then says, "no, fastpitch softball", do you think of high school girls in ponytails?

If you were in the vicinity of Laurel Springs Park on Saturday June 13th, you'd best keep those thoughts to yourself. The top men's fastpitch players of the area took the field around 7:30 PM for the 20th annual All-Star Game of the South Jersey Modified Fastpitch League (SJML). It's the culmination of an evening's worth of events that honors not only a league, but a tradition.
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